Out of anger, Norrington commands them to open fire on the ship. Norrington: "Set topsails and clear up this mess." Groves: "With the wind at quarter astern, we won't catch them." Norrington: "I don't need to catch them, just get them in range of the long nines." But Groves still doesn't understand why he would have them open fire on their own ship. Norrington: "I'd rather see her at the bottom of the ocean, than in the hands of a pirate." Pretty spiteful words coming out of the commodores mouth, but Groves is still obligated to obey them. However, Jack is too quick for them and disables the rudder chain so the ship can't turn around. Seems like that man just thinks of everything. Earlier, Norrington had remarked after seeing Jack "trying" to set sail on the Dauntless that "That is without doubt the worst pirate I have ever seen."
Groves stays on the Endeavor until it is sunk by the Pearl and the Dutchman at the end of the movie, killing Beckett. As they are being attacked, it's Groves who is desperately screaming at Beckett for orders. Groves: "Orders?! Orders, sir?!" Becket just stares of blankly until finally telling them to abandon ship. He must have made it out just in the nick of time because Groves is back in On Stranger Times. This time, he takes orders from Barbossa. He's Barbossa's right hand man and always seems to be around him asking for orders. He takes Gibbs away, he defends the men who are potentially dying from a mermaid attack, and he keeps his job until his death. He unties Barbossa when he's tied up to a palm tree at the Spanish camps and always is questioning where the captain is going, perhaps still suspicious of his old pirating ways.
He is eventually shot at the Battle for the Fountain of Youth. His final words came as he held up the Union Jack claiming the Fountain for England. "This land is hereby forever claimed in the glorious name of His Majesty, King George—" Then he is shot by the Spaniard and of course we never hear about him again. He gets a few second of glory after his death though. Spaniard: "Someone make a note of that man's bravery." It's funny how someone who is actually in so many scenes can go by unnoticed. Regardless, I still really appreciate his character for truly understanding the craziness that is Captain Jack Sparrow.