Will: "Gibbs! We have to make a stand. We must fight. Load the guns!" Annamaria: "With what?" Will: "Anything. Everything. Anything we have left." The crew members follow the orders but are not very optimistic. Elizabeth must be in a very clever mood because she comes up with another plan. She has everyone drop the anchor on the right side so the ship will turn very fast and get right up by Barbossa. While the ship turned the Medallion falls down of the table it was on, and with all the chaos they all forget about it. Everyone yells fire and the battle begins. Jack is not so happy about this shooting his ship thing and decides to let them all know. Jack: "Stop blowing holes in my ship!" But something good comes from all this shooting. A cannon shot hits his cell's lock and Jack is free. YAY. Meanwhile Will realizes he left the Medallion in the lower levels and rushes to get it. However someone closes the door and will is locked in with water threatening to drown him. Jack hops on board the Interceptor and immediately finds Elizabeth and saves her. Jack: "That's not very nice." Then he punches the pirate in the face.
Will: "Barbossa! She goes free." A little confused Barbossa says, "What's in your head boy?" Will: "She goes free." Barbossa: "You've only got one shot and we can't die." Jack helpfully reminds Will not to do any thing stupid. Will: "You can't but I can." Jack: "Like that." Barbossa: "Who are you?" Jack: "No one. He's no one. A distant cousin of my aunt's nephew, twice removed. Lovely singing voice though. Eunuch." Will: "My name is Will Turner! My father was Bootstrap Bill Turner. His blood runs in my veins. On my word do as I say, or I'll pull this trigger and be lost to Davy Jones's Locker!" Barbossa: "Name your terms." Will: "Elizabeth goes free!" Barbossa: "Yes we know that one. Anything else?" Will: "And the crew. The crew are not to be harmed." Barbossa: "Agreed." As your probably guessing Jack is a bit disappointed. Captain Barbossa makes Elizabeth and Jack walk the plank to the same island as the one Jack was stranded on before.
why is the rum gone!!!