I don't know how many of you actually buy your songs legally off iTunes or wherever like I do, but if you are a punk and dowload them illgally, you should really make an excpetion for this. This stuff is really worth paying money for. Plus, wouldn't you agree the people who make the Pirates of the Caribbean deserve it? Just buy the whole album and you'll save money like I did! Now, since I haven't listened to all of the music just yet, it would be rather dificult for me to tell you which songs are my favorite. So an official favorite list will be posted later, but in the mean time I'll share with you which songs have stood out to me. The cool thing about the soundtracks is that you hear certain parts and you can just totally tell where in the movie it comes from. When you've seen the movies as many times as I have (which is doubtful unless you run a blog too, in which case you should totally share about with me), you can almost quote the scene!

It's not that I didn't like the second, but the msuic didn't strike me as as epic as the first and third. It's starts out with "Hoist the Colors". If you weren't aware, that's the name of the song that the prisoners who are about to be executed sing in the very opening song. It starts out with the little kid singing and then they all join in until they hang. It's a bit creepy because it actually has words. The little kid on death row is singing, and you here the rattling of their chains. Pretty intense. Then there is "Singapore", which doens't have any words, but you can still just tell right away that they are in Singapore (even if you didn't read the name of the song). I actually like this soundtrack more than the first. If you've read some of my other posts regrading the Parlay scene later in the movie, you'd know about what I think of the music that plays when Jack, Will, Elizabeth, Beckett, Jones, and Barbossa all walk along the side bank: It's like rock music! That's in the song "Parlay", which cracks me up every time. Two songs later is "What Shall We Die For" is my all time favorite. It's during the time when Elizabeth presents her speech to the Brethren Court and they all join together. It is actually so epic. You can hear all the pirates cheering in unison and you just know that they are going to kill it. I must admit, certain parts give me chills, that's how nerdy I am. The song after it is also pretty epic, "I Don't Think Now's the Best Time". It's while they are fighting my favorite battle! Now go buy the soundtracks if you haven't already and report back to here with your opinions? Am I a nerd? Am I correct? Am I both?
ur defo both :) i have all 4 albums and can run through the films while listening to the music :) :) not as bad as me with lord of the rings tho where i can actually say the lines :) i think i may be worse than u